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Student Complaints

The University is committed to providing an environment that is free from discrimination and affirms the rights of all of its members to be treated with dignity and respect. The University will not tolerate harassment of one member of its community by another nor sexual misconduct. The University takes allegations of harassment and sexual misconduct very seriously and may take action, including disciplinary action, in response to a complaint from a student.

The following further information is available:

The University has a number of procedures and policies that it can use to assess and act as a result of a report of inappropriate behaviour, these include:

The University does not pressurise students subjected to inappropriate behaviour to report, or to report within a certain timeframe but it urges any student who has been affected by others' behaviour to seek support either within the University or College or from an external organisation: Student Support | University of Cambridge.

Any questions about the procedures and associated policies should be directed to the Office of Student Conduct, Complaints and Appeals (OSCCA) at